In conversation with Dr. Seetesh Ghose
Q1. What inspired you to write “Conception to Confinement,” and what do you hope readers will gain from it?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: Sometime I felt that I have failed in my duty to answer all the queries of antenatal mothers and even if I have answered they failed to remember and follow. So I thought it is better to provide information in the form educative book, which they can keep it with them for ready reference as and when they need.
As the name suggest the readers will gain knowledge related to improve the conception rate, how to carry out through the pregnancy, when to consult doctor, certain myths and the fact besides how a husband can involves himself in this journey of motherhood.
Q2. As a seasoned expert in obstetrics and gynecology, what do you consider to be the most crucial advice for women planning for pregnancy?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: The most crucial advice for women planning for pregnancy is to understand that pregnancy is a natural process and uncomplicated in majority of the cases. However, sometimes the outcome is not good. So have positive mind set throughout the pregnancy. Follow the advice of their obstetrician. Seek the advice if they feel anything not normal in the course of pregnancy.
Q3. Could you share a memorable experience from your career that influenced your approach to high-risk pregnancy and minimal access surgery?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: Yes of course there are many in my memory. I will mention one that always pop up in my mind. After 4 to 5 years in this field I came across a pregnant woman who was pregnant for 6th time with previous 5 abortions. With the available resource and her affordable capacity we did certain tests to know the reason behind the recurrent previous abortion. Unfortunately we could not find any reason. So we decided to follow her up closely. As she was apprehensive about this pregnancy and about frequent visit, we asked her to get admitted in the hospital. She accepted to this proposal and stayed in the hospital till her delivery almost 6-7 months. During this 6-7 months of hospital stay she was offered only normal regular antenatal care and moral support. She delivered a healthy female baby normally. And went home happily thanking every one of the hospital. So, what I have learnt that providing tender loving antenatal care is crucial in managing high-risk pregnancy. About minimal access surgery, I am passionate about it looking at the patients’ comfort in terms of reduced postoperative pain, early recovery and early discharge from hospital.
Q4. In “Conception to Confinement,” you discuss the role of diet, exercise, and mental health during pregnancy. Could you elaborate on why these factors are so important?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: We must understand that during pregnancy the nutritional requirement increases as growing fetus inside the uterus depend on it for its growth. So nutritious and well balanced food is of paramount importance not only for fetal growth but also for prevention of some pregnancy induced complication like anemia , pregnancy induced hypertension, bleeding in pregnancy leading to early separation of placenta.
Specific exercises which can be performed during pregnancy improve the spine flexibility, tone of the abdominal muscle, which facilitate easy vaginal delivery. Moreover, it improves the threshold of pain tolerance and keep antenatal women in a positive state of mind. This positive state of mind or a healthy mental status is crucial for a successful pregnancy outcome with healthy mother and baby.
Q5. What are some common misconceptions about pregnancy that you aim to dispel in your book?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: There are many misconceptions about pregnancy. Some of the common misconceptions are complete bed rest during pregnancy to have better pregnancy outcome, not to eat dark color food as it me bring a dark baby, keeping secrecy about pregnancy to avoid evil eye, not to have intercourse leads to avoid miscarriage, eating papaya cause miscarriage etc.
Q6. As a budding O&G consultant, what advice would you give to women who are planning for pregnancy or are currently expecting?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: May not be applicable as it contradicts Q2.
Q7. Where can readers order copies of ‘Conception to Confinement’?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: The book is available online on Amazon, Kindle, Flipkart and Bluerose website.
Q8. Are you on social media? How can our readers reach you?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: Not that active.
Q9. What do you hope readers will take away from “Conception to Confinement,” and do you have any upcoming projects you can share with the readers?
Dr. Seetesh Ghose: It is a handy ready reckoner for any antenatal mother covering a wide range of pregnancy related issues. Currently, there are no new projects in development.

About The Author
Dr. Seetesh Ghose, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology, is presently working as Dean and Professor, in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at MGMCRI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. He has 26 years of experience and contributed immensely to the academics, patient care and research. His area of interest is high-risk pregnancy, minimal access and reconstructive surgery.
Book review: Conception to Confinement